Environment Policy

IMCS Group companies act in accordance with AMER, EMEA, and APAC environmental legislation in the pursuit of its business goals. Moreover, IMCS Group recognizes that in line with our business model and the director’s personal ambitions for a more sustainable world, we have taken the direct step to be carbon neutral and to actively promote a more environmentally friendly organization.
Therefore, IMCS Group will only use environmentally sound resources and discourage wastefulness or any action which directly harms the environment. More specifically, IMCS Group will where practical:


Overall cost to the business. IMCS Group will ensure that all lighting and computer hardware will be switched off outside of normal working hours and that our remote staff is educated and requested to comply with our policy. Any computer hardware that we do use is of highly efficient standard, screen savers are also in place should computers be left unattended for a period of time.


We encourage all employees travelling to and from work to make environmentally friendly transportation choices. While staff travel to attend client meetings has been greatly reduced we ask that employees mak environmentally friendly travel decisions.


We aim to minimize waste material wherever possible. Ultimately, we envisage a paperless office space, and as such we discourage any unnecessary printing. Any  paper waste that is produced is recycled using the local collection service. We also encourage staff to buy unpackaged products where possible.

Goods & Services

IMCS Group continually works with our supply chain and clients to ensure our environmental policies are aligned as closely as possible.

At IMCS Group staff and employees take direct responsibility to uphold this Environmental Policy set out to ensure a more sustainable place of work. We update our policies, orientation and training regularly in alliance with national and local Environmental regulators and legislation to ensure we are doing everything we can to minimize our impact on the environmental.

To create environmental awareness among internal stakeholders and thus work towards creating environmentally responsible corporate citizens.

Widely communicate our environmental commitment to clients, vendors, employees, and the public and encourage them to support it, and to spread the awareness of advantages of environmental friendly workplace.

Endorse for ‘Green Procurement Management’ to the extend we can.

Endorse the procurement and use (and reuse) of recycled, recyclable or re-furbished merchandise wherever these options are available, economical and appropriate.

Adhere to optimal utilization of resources, in form of material, goods or otherwise.

Adhere to carrying out our activities and practices, including disposal of electronic wastes, in a manner to prevent environmental pollution.

Endeavor towards continuous improvement of our environmental performance and towards minimizing the impact on society at large. We will do so by meeting and exceeding relevant objectives and targets and by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in the light of our current and planned future activities.

IMCS Group’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals are objectives set within a business in order to direct and actively manage the organization’s impact on society and environmental sustainability. It’s about making a difference - for your business and our world. Creating sustained outcomes that drive value and fuel growth, whilst strengthening our environment and societies. People and technology working together to find solutions larger than today. Creating a transparently brighter future for generations to come.


This includes IMCS Group’s energy use, waste, pollution, and treatment of animals. We deeply focused on environmental risks a company may face and its approach to management of them. Our few examples of environmental goals that we have are:

Use non-toxic or less toxic substances

Reduce waste and use of paper

Install automatic light shut off in the office


The social criteria IMCS Group’s contribution to the community and its relationships with external contributors. These include not limited to working conditions, data protection, and employee relations and diversity. A few examples of our social goals are:

  • Labor standards across supply chains that guarantee fair wages and human rights protection
  • Good relations with local communities who give social license for companies to operate
  • Diversity and inclusion policies to ensure no type of discrimination


IMCS Group’s governance criteria relate to its approach to operating procedures, disciplines and licence. These establish direction and add transparency to how the IMCS Group conducts its operations. The criteria will govern political lobbying and donations, tax strategy, executive pay, and approaches to privacy and information security. Investors, customers, partners and more. A few examples of a IMCS Group’s governance goals are:

  • Whistle-blower schemes
  • Stockholders’ ability to vote on important issues
  • Regulatory compliance


Combat climate change while protecting our natural resources: Assisting you in developing net-zero paths and conserving our natural capital.

Incorporate circularity into your products and services: Creating a closed-loop, robust, agile, safe, and long-lasting ecosystem for your goods and services.

Develop your employees and invest in human capital: Giving your staff access to wellness, safety, and inclusivity.

Create a prosperous, inclusive, regenerative society: enabling you to use your products and services to create positive impact in our communities.

Invent for the benefit of society and the environment: Creating innovative, inclusive, and sustainable business models and operational efficiencies for you.

Encourage openness among all parties involved: Enabling you to comply, communicate, and report on all your sustainability efforts.

Our intelligent document workflow and processing transforms document intensive business processes to friction-free, paper-free operations. We enable our customers and all their stakeholders to engage digitally, removing the reliance on paper and helping meet multiple ESG goals, including:

The key advantages are not limited to:

Increase team productivity

  • Improve responsiveness to customers
  • Ensure document security
  • Cut costs
  • Reduce processing times
  • Accelerate digital transformation
  • Cut paper and reduce waste
  • Increase information security
  • Meet regulatory compliance obligations
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